Business tips

How to Find a Consistent Photography Client Base


You know that great feeling. You complete a job and it’s ticked all your ideal photography client boxes: easy communication, shared values and approaches, great results and prompt payment. If only you could replicate this week in, week out. Finding a consistent client base for your photography business can be tough. But it’s crucial for […]

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How to Get More Word-of-Mouth Referrals


Your clients are one of your most powerful marketing tools. Their happiness with your photography service is priceless. And what they say about it can have a huge influence on your success. Indeed, research shows 9 out of 10 people trust what a customer thinks about a business more than they trust the business itself. […]

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How to Automate Time-Consuming Tasks


“To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan, and not quite enough time.” Wise words from composer Leonard Bernstein. And when you’re running a photography business, they’ll resonate even more. Juggling long-term planning with the day-to-day demands of clients, shoots and admin eats time. But there are ways to lower your business’ appetite […]

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The Photographers’ Guide to Finances and Budgeting


Spreadsheets and sums. Never as much fun as cameras and creativity. But when you’re running a photography business, there’s no escaping the financial responsibilities. Alongside nurturing clients, planning shoots and managing your diary, you also need to maximise profitability. Are as many pennies as possible being spent wisely? Is some belt-tightening required? Here we’ll share […]

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How to Give an Exceptional Client Experience


As a photographer, taking exquisite images for your clients is a must. But it’s an exceptional experience that will bring them back for more. We all know it’s more efficient and less expensive to tempt an existing client to book again than it is to find a new one. So how you can make that […]

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How to Reduce Costs Without Hurting Your Photography Business


Is your usually healthy balance sheet looking a little under the weather? Maybe bookings numbers are down or your usual expenses have crept up as the cost-of-living crisis continues to bite? Then your photography business may benefit from a comprehensive cost critique. A thorough investigation into exactly what’s going out of your account on a […]

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Online booking platforms for photographers: Acuity vs Calendly


Choosing the best online booking platform is a key decision to make within your photography business. You want a platform that creates a seamless process for your client to find a suitable time and make their booking; you don’t want them to get frustrated at any stage and deciding not to press ‘confirm’! And from […]

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How to get more photography clients


No matter whether you’re a seasoned pro, or just starting out, something a lot of photographers want to know is how to get more photography clients. It’s no secret that the success of your photography business hinges on your ability to consistently attract new clients. Even if you already have a set of tried and […]

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Using your phone's autocorrect to respond to enquiries in ANY app


Notification noise is a truly modern phenomenon. Another WhatsApp message from an unrecognised number. A Facebook DM lurking in the depths of Messenger. Even a trusty, traditional text message ping can add to the sense of overwhelm and disorganisation. For photographers dealing with daily client communications from all these different sources, this noise can quickly […]

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Nine ways to use Scheduling Calendars & Scheduling Requests


One of the most frustrating things you can experience as a photographer, no matter the genre, is the endless loops of message to-ing and fro-ing as you try to arrange and confirm shoots and appointments with your clients. It also takes up a lot of time. Time you could definitely spend doing better things with! […]

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How to Run a Successful Register to Win Campaign


If your usual marketing tactics aren’t growing your email list as rapidly as you’d like, it’s time to think a little more creatively. Step forward the register to win campaign, a fun, interactive way to reach new clients, showcase your photography business to a wider audience and fill up your diary. What is a register […]

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Accounting Software for Photographers


We get it, you love cameras, not calculators. That’s why you’re a photographer, not an accountant. But you also appreciate that part of being a professional photographer is managing the money side and keeping a detailed record of what’s coming in and what’s going out. Whether you use an accountant or not, careful record-keeping is […]

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Five Positive Steps to Keep Your Business Healthy


When business is quiet, it’s easy to panic. How long will this last? What am I doing wrong? Should I just give up? And with panic comes the temptation to take drastic action. Maybe I should slash my prices? Or perhaps I could take on that job that’s not really my thing but would bring […]

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7 ways photographers can use SMS messaging with Light Blue


When it comes to client communication, the humble text message can work wonders within your photography business. Short but mighty, an SMS message wields the power to nurture relationships, boost your reputation and showcase your professionalism. Not bad for a bit of tech first used 30 years ago by a software programmer to wish his […]

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How to run a successful Christmas mini-session campaign


What’s the secret to a successful mini-session campaign? It’s not your set, it’s not your props, it’s not even your promotional image. We spoke to newborn and family portrait photographer, Amy Knowles to find out: “You need to sell an experience to people.” “Photographers tend to obsess about the promotional image, the set that they’re […]

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Questionnaire Tools for Photographers – 5 Online Form and Survey Tools Compared


As a successful photographer, your busy brain has a lot to juggle. Names, dates, times, locations, style preferences – all the minutiae required to deliver exceptional service. And with new clients regularly coming on board, you constantly need to update that information with details of the next shoot and the next…  With so much data […]

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Online Contract Signing for Photographers - 8 Tools Compared


Whatever the industry, signing a contract seals the deal. Professional and transparent, a carefully crafted, comprehensive contract gives clarity and accountability to both you and your clients. There’s a treasure trove of tech out there to make this part of running your photography business slick and streamlined. But which online tool should you choose? Here […]

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A Guide to Questionnaire Templates for Photographers


Gathering information about your photography clients is crucial to ensuring smooth shoots and relaxed relationships. The more you know, the better you can tailor communication and select services to suit their unique needs. But maybe your current system for getting your hands on this important detail is less than efficient. Another admin task to shift […]

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Using Psychographics to Build Your Photography Business


Hear the word ‘psychographics’ and what immediately springs to mind? A terrifying shadow slowly creeping across a shower curtain? The crazy swirly pattern on Austin Powers’ wallpaper? Nope, this has nothing to do with movies, horror or otherwise. And everything to do with getting scarily high numbers of enquiries to your photography business. Welcome to […]

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Recycling your marketing spend by using a referral network


Ian spent some time chatting with Michelle Szpak recently for her training hub and community for photographers. Below is a little taster of the topics we covered in our chat. It’s near impossible to only market to clients on dates that you can fulfil, so how can you cut down on waste from enquiries that […]

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6 Tips for Branding your photography business


Brand Identity can seriously improve the success rate of your business efforts across the board, if it’s harnessed correctly. It’s true, photography itself speaks volumes, but your branding will provide prospective clients with an indication of your price point, the experience you offer… and ultimately whether you are the right fit for them or not! […]

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Measuring the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your business


The coronavirus pandemic is affecting all of us in a variety of ways. We’re a small company and the whole Light Blue team is either currently or previously a professional photographer, so we understand the difficulties that you are going through at the moment. Being able to measure the impact that the pandemic has had […]

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Mapping your customer journey


What’s the one thing that you would do to make yourself stand out to your clients? Running a successful photography business relies on delivering a great service to your clients in a timely manner. There’s many steps involved in doing that and it’s important to make sure that you know what your process is, including […]

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How to Master Virtual Viewings


We speak to wedding and portrait specialist Suzanne Black about how to conduct viewings remotely without losing that crucial personal touch. When it comes to viewing sessions, we’re all familiar with the ideal scenario. You invite clients to your studio at a mutually convenient time, put the kettle on, pop some biscuits on a stylish plate and […]

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