Light Blue compatibility with macOS 15 Sequoia and iOS 18


Next week, Apple are going to be releasing major upgrades to macOS and iOS. iOS 18 and macOS 15 Sequoia are going to be released on 16 September. We’ve been testing the current versions of our macOS and iOS apps on the prerelease versions of macOS 15 and iOS 18 and haven’t found any issues. […]

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Light Blue iOS 2023.1.4 release notes


We’ve just released a minor update for our iOS app, which should start to appear in the App Store shortly. This update includes the following new features and bug fixes:

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Light Blue compatibility with macOS 14 Sonoma and iOS 17


Over the next few weeks, Apple are going to be releasing major upgrades to macOS and iOS. iOS 17 is going to be released on 18 September. macOS 14 Sonoma is being released on 26 September. We’ve been testing the current versions of our macOS and iOS apps on the prerelease versions of macOS 14 […]

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Light Blue is compatible with major iOS, macOS, and Windows updates that are coming soon


We’re entering a bumper season for major OS updates: iOS 15 is due to be released next week, Windows 11 is coming in October, and macOS 12 will probably be arriving in October or November. We’ve been testing the current version of Light Blue with the beta versions of these major OS updates and it […]

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Compatibility with macOS Catalina and iOS 13


Over the next few weeks, Apple are going to be releasing major upgrades to macOS and iOS. iOS 13 is going to be released on 19 September. We have already updated our iOS app to support iOS 13, so please ensure that you use the App Store to update to version 4.6.2 of our app […]

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macOS and iOS public betas: our annual health warning


Apple have a reliable schedule of releasing major updates to macOS and iOS in the Autumn, and we can expect macOS Catalina and iOS 13 to be released towards the end of September 2019. For the last few years, Apple have been releasing public betas of their major operating system updates in the Summer. Installing […]

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Compatibility with macOS Mojave and iOS 12


In the very near future, Apple are going to release macOS Mojave and iOS 12. Because many of our customers like to upgrade their Macs, iPhones, and iPads as soon as new operating systems become available, we’ve been testing the latest versions of our apps with both new operating systems. Light Blue 7 and the latest version of […]

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Light Blue for iOS, version 4.0


This update brings more of the desktop version of Light Blue’s features over to iOS, including lots of the features that we added in Light Blue 7: • Light Blue’s optional password protection feature now works on iOS, and if you have a device that supports Face ID or Touch ID you can use that […]

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Light Blue for iOS, version 3.4


We’ve just released a minor update to our iOS app, which fixes a problem that could make it hard to preview the text of a contract. If your iOS devices aren’t set to automatically install app updates, you can manually update your copy of our app by going into the App Store app on each […]

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Compatibility with macOS High Sierra and iOS 11


In the very near future, Apple are going to release macOS High Sierra and iOS 11. Because many of our customers like to upgrade their Macs, iPhones, and iPads as soon as new operating systems become available, we’ve been testing the latest versions of our apps with both new operating systems. Light Blue 6 and the latest […]

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Compatibility with macOS Sierra and iOS 10


In a couple of weeks, Apple are going to be releasing macOS Sierra (yes, they really have stopped called it “Mac OS X”) and iOS 10. Because many of our customers like to upgrade their Macs, iPhones, and iPads as soon as new operating systems become available, we’ve been testing the latest versions of our apps with […]

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Light Blue for iOS, version 3.0


We’re pleased to announce a major update to our iOS app, Light Blue for iOS 3.0, which brings huge improvements to Light Blue for iPhone and iPad users. Helping you to run your photography business on the go Version 3 of our mobile app has been rewritten to be faster, easier to use, and bring across some of […]

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