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🎥 Light Blue mobile app: Recording mileage and purchases

Recording mileage and purchases on your iPhone or Android phone makes it easier to keep on top of your bookkeeping.

Mileage claims can be added from the Home screen. Tap the Plus button… and select ‘New Mileage Claim’… You can then enter the details of your mileage claim, starting by selecting yourself from the list of members of staff that you’ve set up in the desktop app… and entering the number of miles you’ve done… You can adjust the mileage rate if necessary, and link the mileage claim to a specific shoot or appointment…

You can also add mileage directly to a shoot in the app. First find the shoot… then scroll down its mileage total… and tap into that to see all of the mileage claims you’ve linked to it… You can add another mileage claim by tapping the Plus button.

The Light Blue mobile app also makes it easy to enter Purchase records for things that you’ve bought. You could go into the Purchases section… and tap the Plus button to create a new Purchase… but we’ve included a ‘quick purchase’ feature that simplifies this by only showing you the fields that are most important. You can add a quick purchase by going to the Home screen… tapping the Plus button… and selecting ‘Quick Purchase’…

Once you’ve created the purchase, you can assign it to a category… Link the supplier to it… and then enter a description of what you’ve bought… and the cost… Finally, you can mark it as paid by tapping the ‘Add Payment’ button.

Corresponding desktop app help articles

👉 This help article looks at recording and reporting mileage.
👉 And this one looks at recording purchases.

Other Light Blue mobile app tutorials

👉 Installation and overview.
👉 Using the Calendar, Task Manager and Workflows.
👉 Publishing Contracts and Forms.
👉 Publishing Invoices for online payment.
👉 Contacting clients from the app.

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