Light Blue 6.2

We regularly release free updates to Light Blue that tweak existing features and fix bugs. Today, we released Light Blue 6.2 for macOS and Windows, which adds a variety of enhancements as well as fixing a few bugs.

If you’re one of our subscribers, or if you’ve bought a standalone licence for Light Blue 6, you can download this latest update by using the ‘Check For Updates’ command from within Light Blue. If you’re using a Mac, you’ll find this command in the ‘Light Blue’ menu. If you’re using Windows, it will be in the ‘Help’ menu.

Light Blue 6.2 includes the following changes:

  • When running a VAT report, the reporting period now defaults to the previous two months if you’re using Light Blue in Ireland.
  • Importing a ShootProof order now attempts to link to a matching Contact and Shoot record. We also store the email address and phone number provided by your client in the Sale record’s Notes field.
  • You can now import semicolon-delimited files in any situation where Light Blue is expecting a CSV file.
  • When importing purchases from a CSV file, we’ve improved our attempts to find a matching Contact record for the supplier by attempting to find a unique match for the supplier name instead of relying on a complete match for both the name and address. We’ve also fixed a bug that could make importing a CSV file that contains currency symbols fail.
  • You can now import a whole folder of ProSelect XML files via the Records menu.
  • On Windows, dialog windows would open on the main screen even when Light Blue is on a secondary screen. We’ve also made it so that, if you move the main window, preferences window, or background activity window onto a secondary screen then they will reopen in the same position when you next open them.
  • We’ve added a ‘Mark Found Shoots as Completed’ command to the Housekeeping section of the Records menu. This is helpful for anyone who wants to mark a whole batch of shoots as completed in one go.
  • The Housekeeping section of the Records menu and the cog menu in the Task Manager now allow you to delete all tasks that are overdue by more than a month, to assist anyone whose list of outstanding tasks has got too long to be useful.
  • The ‘Mark Stale Enquiries as Cancelled’ command in the Housekeeping section of the Records menu wasn’t working.
  • The way that quotes are displayed in the ‘Linked Records’ panel has been improved to prioritise displaying the quote’s status.
  • We’ve added support for using a proxy server to Light Blue. If you need to use a proxy server to connect to the internet, you can enter its details in the ‘General Preferences’ section of the Preferences window.
  • When printing a contact record, you can now include the contact’s history and to-do list.
  • When publishing an invoice for online payment, the email template is always reset to its default wording rather than reusing any modifications you have already made to that invoice’s email.
  • When you attempt to publish a contract where the reminder email settings aren’t valid, we now display a more helpful error message.
  • When editing a workflow, steps are now automatically deleted if they don’t contain a description.
  • When previewing a contract template, if there was an error syncing the template then the progress bar could fail to go away.
  • If you’re using Light Blue’s password protection feature, the currently logged in user is now recorded when you add a Document to the Activity panel of a record.
  • When running a tax report on a cash basis, the totals for your purchases are now displayed at the bottom of the list of purchases as well as at the top of the report.
  • Quote mail-merge tags can now be used in Form emails.
  • Fixed a problem with Google Calendar publishing that could cause the app to run slowly.
  • Fixed a bug that made it hard to select a linked shoot if you’re adding mileage via the Preferences window instead of via a Shoot record.
  • Fixed an error message that could appear when a shoot or contact is linked to more than 1,000 other records.
  • Fixed a problem where items in the Reports menu could fail to enable or disable correctly.
  • Changing a shoot session’s date could fail to update the due dates of that shoot’s outstanding tasks.
  • On a Mac, we’ve fixed a problem where some fonts would print as Times New Roman when using our built-in templates.
  • The ‘Export Financial Information’ command now correctly escapes double-quote characters.
  • Line breaks in ProSelect order files are now imported correctly.
  • Duplicating a shoot now duplicates its request groups correctly.
  • A failed MPA Cherubs import could leave Light Blue unable to save records.
  • Fixed some in correct French translations.
  • If you’re using one of our template translations, Sale records that are created from a Quote now use a localised version of the word “Quote” for its reference.
  • Fixed any crash reports that have been sent to us.
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