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Zapier: adding Facebook Lead Ads data to Light Blue

For many Light Blue customers, Facebook plays a key role in their marketing with one of the most popular tools being Lead Ads to generate new leads for their business. They can be used in a variety of ways; for example, perhaps running a competition, offering a great promotion or maybe even providing an ebook/guide. If someone is interested in your ad, they simply tap on it and a pop-up form will appear already populated with their Facebook contact information.

But how do you get all these leads into Light Blue?

There are two couple of ways of doing this:

  • For a ‘one-off’ marketing activity or campaign, importing a CSV file of the leads generated is the most straightforward.
  • However, if you’re frequently using Facebook Lead Ads, spending a bit of time setting up Zapier to automatically add them to Light Blue is a worthwhile investment.

We’ll cover both in this help article.

Importing a CSV file

For a ‘one-off’ marketing activity or campaign the most straightforward way to add the Facebook Lead Ads data to Light Blue is to import a CSV file.

  1. Download your lead data from Ads Manager. 👉 Here’s the link to Meta’s help article.
  2. Click on “Records” in Light Blue’s main menu bar.
  3. Choose “Import” followed by “Contact From CSV…” from the drop-down menus.
  1. Add an identifiable name to the “Source:” box.
  2. Map the CSV fields to the correct Light Blue fields.
  3. Check the “Don’t Import First Record” box and click “Import.”
  4. Individual Contact Records will now be created for each lead in the CSV file.

Using Zapier to connect Facebook Lead Ads to Light Blue

If you’re frequently using Facebook Lead Ads and generating a high volume of leads it makes sense to automate the process of adding this data to Light Blue.

We can do this by creating a zap in Zapier linking Facebook Lead Ads to Light Blue.

👉 If you’re not familiar with Zapier, here’s an introduction to how it works.

Currently, the Light Blue integration for Zapier is a ‘private’ action, so you need to click the following link to add it to your Zapier account (instead of searching for Light Blue in Zapier); simply click the “Accept Invite & Build a Zap” button.

👉 Invite to use Light Blue on Zapier.
👉 And if you’ve not already got a Zapier account, here’s their website where you can create one. NB. Zapier’s Facebook Lead Ads integration is a ‘Premium’ app, which means you’ll need to be on one of their paid plans.

Once you’re logged into Zapier there are two elements to the zap.

  1. Creating the trigger; a new lead is created in Facebook Lead Ads.
  2. Creating the action; adding the data to Light Blue.

Both elements need to be created for the zap to work, however, we’ve broken down the steps into the two elements to make the process a bit easier to follow.

1. Creating the trigger; a new lead is created in Facebook Lead Ads

  1. Click the “+ Create” button and choose “⚡️ New Zap” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Start to type “Facebook” in the search bar.
  3. Choose “Facebook Lead Ads”.
  1. We then choose the event that triggers the action so from the drop-down menu choose “New Lead”.
  2. Click “Continue”.
  1. You’ll then be asked to sign in to your Facebook Lead Ads account. NB. If you’ve previously created a Facebook Lead Ads zap, rather than signing in again you’ll be able to simply select the account that’s already connected.
  2. Then we need to set up the details of the trigger; in the Page field choose your Facebook page which is running the ad.
  3. And then in the Form field choose which form the ad is using.
  4. Click “Continue”.
    1. Click the “Test trigger” button; Zapier will then test the trigger and check it can find a new lead. NB. If you’ve not yet published your ad you can use the Facebook Lead Ads Testing Tool to create a test lead.
    2. Once It’s been successful, click “Continue”.

    2. Creating the action; adding the data to Light Blue

    1. The next step is to connect Zapier to Light Blue; start to type “Light Blue” in the search bar.
    2. A few Light Blue options will be given so make sure you choose the one labelled ‘Latest’ with the most recent version number.
    3. Choose the Event “Send to the Light Blue API” from the drop-down menu.
    4. Click “Continue”.
    1. You’ll then be asked to sign in to Light Blue. NB. If you’ve previously created a zap using Light Blue, you’ll be able to simply select the account that’s already connected rather than having to sign in again.
    2. A pop-up window will appear asking for your API key; this can be found in the “Light Blue API and integrations” area of your Light Blue account.
    3. Once you’ve clicked the “Yes, Continue” button your Light Blue and Zapier accounts will be connected.
    1. Then we need to set up the details of the action; complete the “Contact First Name”, “Contact Last Name” and “Contact Email” fields. NB. The greyed-out details are from the test trigger contact.
    2. Scroll down and if your form has a message field add that to the “Message” field.
    3. Add ‘ContactSource’ to the “Additional Parameter” field and give it a name so that you know they’re a Facebook lead.
    4. Add any other Parameters that your form uses which you want to add to Light Blue. 👉 Here’s the full list of supported API parameters.
    5. Click “Continue”.
    1. When prompted, click the “Test Action button; Zapier will then test the action.
    2. Once the test for the action has been successful we can give the zap a name and publish it.
    3. Zapier will now automatically send new Facebook leads to Light Blue which will appear in your Light Blue Inbox; simply click on “Import”, followed by “Create New Contact”.
    1. A Contact Record will then be automatically created for your Facebook Lead.
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